Using Compiled Forms

Several files can possibly be loaded by a form - excontrols.f, bitmap.f, mdi.f, mdidialog.f, and filelister.f ExControls.f will be loaded if one or more controls are used in the form and Bitmap.f will be loaded if any bitmap buttons or static labels are used. Mdi.f and MdiDialog.f will be loaded if a form is set to compile as an MDI dialogwindow. Filelister.f is a directory browser loaded if a form has such a object. The paths for these files are already set in ForthForm but if your path is different then be sure to add it, as in fpath+ yourdrive:\your\path.

Compiled forms can be used in an application in a number of ways -

    A form can be copied to the clipboard and then pasted into the program and

    It can be compiled to disk and the .frm file modified with a text editor.
    Source file FormProperty.f is an example of this. One drawback to this
    and the previous method is that any future desired modification to the form
    wil prove difficult without erasing any modifications. As such, these two
    methods are best used when no future changes to the designed form is

    The third method involves compiling the form to a .frm file and loading the
    form with the application. Controls would then be accessed directly or
    indirectly to achieve the intended purpose. An alternative method would be to
    use the loaded form object as the superclass for an additional form object.
    The Preferences.frm source file and the code that uses it is such an example of the
    former method. It is reproduce here for purposes of explanation. An example of the latter method
    is also given.

    /* ********************** ForthForm Preferences **************** */
    needs preferences.frm     \ preferences dialog

    : ApplyPreferences ( -- )
                IsButtonChecked?: chkFlatToolBar to FlatToolBar?
                IsButtonChecked?: chkButtonText  to ButtonText?
                Close: TheControlToolBar
                TheMainWindow Start: TheControlToolBar
                false SaveRestore: TheControlToolBar
    \+ withbgnd ReDrawImage: TheMainWindow

    : pref-func     { id obj -- }  ( h m w l id obj -- h m w l )
                case    IDOK          of      ApplyPreferences Close: obj endof
                        IDCANCEL      of      Close: obj                  endof
                endcase ;

    : doPreferences ( -- )
                ['] pref-func SetCommand: frmPreferences
                GetHandle: TheMainWindow SetParent: frmPreferences
                IDOK SetID: btnOk
                IDCANCEL SetID: btnCancel
                Start: frmPreferences
                FlatToolbar? Check: chkFlatToolBar
                ButtonText?  Check: chkButtontext ; ' doPreferences is doPref
    /* ************************************************************** */ 

Notes - "ApplyPreferences" is the routine that will update the application if
the user clicks the 'Ok' button.
      - "pref-func" is the function that handles the form 'WM_COMMAND' message.
Two parameters are of primary concern; 'id' which is the  id of the control that
was clicked and 'obj' which is the address of the form object. An application
can use these two values to control various aspects of the displayed form.
To set the message handler for the WM_COMMAND message use the method
SetCommand: (formname) e.g ['] pref-func SetCommand: frmPreferences.

Controls can be compiled as global whereby they will be referenced by name or
they can be referenced by dot notation (not recommended however)e.g. IDOK SetID: frmPreferences.btnOk

If the form is a modal form its parent can be set by the SetParentWindow: method
e.g Gethandle: TheMainWindow SetParentWindow: frmPreferences. If it is not modal but
a parent is set the form will simply behave as an owned window, its title not
being displayed in the task bar.

Method #2

fload test.frm		\ load the form

:Object MyForm		Super frmTest	\ use the form in test.frm as super class
\ note the error in "Super" above. HTML would not permit the "less than" character

\ all controls are automatically available without them being global

\ you can change the window style
:M WindowStyle:		( -- style )
		WS_CAPTION ;M   \ eliminate the Close [x] button for this form

:M On_Init:	( -- ) \ modify the behaviour of some controls
		On_Init: Super 	\ initialize form

		false Enable: chkButton		\ disable this one

		IDOK SetID: btnOk		\ change this id

\ and anything else you wish


\ the power is yours!


Control commands

The controls directly supported by ForthForm at this time include, Single and multi-selection listboxes Text and bitmap labels Single and multiline textboxes Text and bitmap buttons Checkboxes Radiobuttons Combo and combolist boxes Groupboxes Horizontal and vertical up/down controls Tab Controls A Directory Browser class Additional controls are available in the source file ExControls.f. In addition a generic control is provided to allow for any control not directly supported by ForthForm. Compiled forms will have the coordinates and dimensions of any such control added as values e.g A form having a generic control with the name "imgButton" will have the following values when compiled - 'x' value imgButtonX - x coordinate 'y' value imgButtonY - y coordinate 'w' value imgButtonW - width 'h' value imgButtonH - height The directory browser object is created by the FileWindow class. This object is capable of displaying files matching different specs for a directory as well as displaying the files and directories in ascending or descending order. The method "SetSpecs:" with an argument for e.g "*.f;*.htm;*.frm" (note each spec is separated by a ; ) sets the object to display files with matching extensions. Some other methods include - ShowFiles: ( flag -- ) display files if flag is true otherwise show directories only. UpdateFiles: ( -- ) update the file display, perhaps after changing the filespecs or the path. IsOn_Update: ( cfa -- ) the function at cfa will be executed after the file display. is updated. SetPath: ( addr cnt -- ) set the path for the the displaying of files. SortAscending:, SortDescending: change the display order of files and directories. Directories will always be displayed first. #Dirs:, #Files: return the number of directories or files respectively. For further information please browse the file FileLister.f. Following are some other control methods that may be useful in forms. AddStyle: ( style -- ) - add any additional style to a control before it is created. Enable:, Disable:, - self-explanatory SetFont: ( fonthndl -- ) - set the font for applicable controls AddStringTo: ( stringz -- ) - add asciiz string to listboxes and comboboxes SetSelection: ( n -- ) - set current selection for listboxes and comboboxes Clear: - erases contents of listboxes and comboboxes Check: ( flag -- ) - checks (true) or unchecks (false) a checkbox or radiobutton IsButtonchecked?: ( -- f ) - return state of radiobutton or checkbox SetBitmap: ( hbitmap -- ) - set image for a bitmap button ToolString: ( addr cnt -- ) - set the tooltip for a bitmap button N.B All controls are derive from the basic Win32Forth controls. As such any methods available for those controls can also be used. Please review the source files ExControls.f (and its component files), Control.f, Controls.f as well as Generic.f for a more exhaustive list of methods for the various controls.


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